
Showing posts from January, 2018

An Arab Information Offensive is Sorely Needed

We are in an information war. A war launched against us since before the establishment of the Zionist entity. This war is prosecuted on many fronts. We have been consistently losing this war because we have failed to mobilize the Intercontinental Ballistic Language of English (ICBL), we have failed to learn it well and use it effectively to counter the lies broadcast about Arabs and Palestinians, not just by the mainstream Western news media, but by Hollywood's Zionist propag anda factory and now by social media and the Zionist organs of: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, that are designed and aimed at serving the military goals of the Zionist State and its American ally.  These social media organs are means to gather intelligence on everyone and anyone with a thought that diverges from the proscribed one true path of Western Neo-liberalism. We are in a war that we haven't been fighting in so much as sustaining blow after blow in. It is time we take up the banner and stand fi